VIDEO: Divers Remove Fishing Line from Sea Turtle's Neck | Sport Diver

VIDEO: Divers Remove Fishing Line from Sea Turtle's Neck

It's always refreshing to see divers who are aware of their surroundings and pay attention to animal behavior underwater. Recently, a couple of divers were able to rid a green sea turtle of some extra fishing line in Palawan, Philippines. In a Facebook post made by Omar D. Linsangan on March 4, Linsangan describes encountering a "turtle tangled in a nylon maybe trying to free himself." Luckily for that turtle, these divers were swimming by to save the day.

As always, it is best not to approach marine life or touch marine critters in any way while diving. But in this case, we can make an exception for these divers who were equipped to aid the turtle of ocean pollution and most likely attributed to the turtle's overall wellbeing. As seen in the video, it appears the turtle can almost sense it is being helped and lets the divers remove the fishing line before swimming away to freedom.


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