How to Deal with Nitrogen Narcosis While Scuba Diving | Sport Diver

How to Deal with Nitrogen Narcosis While Scuba Diving

scuba diving narcosis

Everyone reacts to nitrogen narcosis differently, but the only way to avoid it completely is to make only shallow dives.


React appropriately the next time you feel the effects of narcosis

Nitrogen narcosis can be a scary and confusing subject for many divers. Some divers feel they are not affected by it at all, and some let a fear of narcosis limit their diving.

Nitrogen narcosis is a state of drowsiness and mental impairment that is similar in effect to alcohol intoxication, caused by breathing air under high pressure. The condition generally becomes evident as you approach 100 feet.

READ MORE: Avoiding Nitrogen Narcosis

Cold water, poor visibility, and anxiety can exacerbate symptoms, and it will affect every diver at some depth, although susceptibility varies. Despite its ability to cloud a diver’s judgment, nitrogen narcosis is an easy condition to understand and manage.

The only prevention for narcosis is to avoid deep diving. If you feel you might be affected by narcosis, slowly ascend until symptoms subside, and continue the dive at the symptom-free depth. If symptoms do not subside at a shallower depth, suspect other possible causes and end your dive in a safe manner.

READ MORE: Specialty Diving Safety Concerns


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