How to Clean Your Dive Knife | Sport Diver

How to Clean Your Dive Knife

Why do you need a dive knife? A good one is an invaluable tool for dealing with dangerous entanglements underwater. Make sure your knife is ready when you need it by caring for it between dives. Here’s how to clean your dive knife and keep it from rusting.

Post-Dive Care

  1. After diving, rinse the knife and sheath in fresh water. Remove the knife from the sheath and operate any moving parts while soaking. This helps remove sand and other debris that may have gotten inside.

  2. If the knife can be disassembled (usually by taking the handle off), take it apart and rinse the individual pieces in fresh water. This helps prevent salt buildup and corrosion from happening underneath the grip where you can’t see it.

  3. Dry all of the pieces thoroughly before putting the knife back together.

  4. If you are done diving for the day you can apply a light coat of silicone to the blade to prevent corrosion, but don’t use a petroleum-based lubricant.

If your knife does start to rust, you can still clean it. Here’s how:

  1. For very light corrosion, you may be able to wipe it off with just a towel or toothbrush.

  2. For more stubborn stains and rust, soak the knife in distilled white vinegar for about five minutes. Any longer risks damaging the blade.

  3. Remove the blade from the vinegar and wipe it down. Again, a toothbrush will work nicely for removing the lighter stuff. An abrasive sponge can be used for tougher jobs but be careful not to scrub too hard because you could scratch the blade or slip and cut yourself.

  1. Rinse the knife in fresh water in the same manner as you would for post-dive care.

  2. Dry the knife thoroughly and apply a light coat of silicone to protect against corrosion but don’t use a petroleum-based lubricant.


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