The Best Ocean Documentaries Streaming on Netflix | Sport Diver

The Best Ocean Documentaries Streaming on Netflix

Knock out your next surface interval by watching one of these ocean-centric documentaries on Netflix

Divers are doers. But if you get in the mood for a relaxing night on the couch — or four — you may as well be watching one of these informative and beautifully shot documentaries. Let legends like David Attenborough and Sylvia Earle take you on a journey, or see first hand the damage being done to our precious coral reefs worldwide.

SEE MORE: The Best Diving Movies Ever Made

Planet Earth

Nature lover or not — this landmark BBC documentary series will blow you away. But divers will be especially keen on Episode 9, which focuses on Shallow Seas around the globe. From stunning footage of nursing humpback whales to riveting shots of banded sea kraits hunting in tandem with reef fishes, this documentary provides plenty of highlights — and all in high definition.

Chasing Coral

The numbers are startling but the images will break your heart — this recently released documentary cuts to the core with startling images of coral bleaching in real time. Chasing Coral follows a team of photographers and researchers as they take time-lapsed footage of reefs around the world to see how they are affected by increasing water temperatures. Their footage from Australia’s Great Barrier Reef serves as a call to action for humankind.

The Blue Planet

This David Attenborough-led documentary series made a major impact when it was released in 2001. The film — which takes a comprehensive look at the history and makeup of the ocean — won Emmys for outstanding cinematography and music composition. Its depiction of coral spawning, the deep ocean and marine predation was groundbreaking at the time and certainly compelling today. Get familiar with this flick, as its stunning sequel is currently airing on BBC.

Watch the Blue Planet II Trailer

Mission Blue

Want a little bit of inspiration? See the story of legendary diver, conservationist and biologist Sylvia Earle in this Emmy Award-winning film. It follows Earle’s illustrious career and attempts to convey her passion for the ocean and its residents. And the film succeeds in providing a wake-up call for viewers who may not realize how our actions affect critical marine ecosystems.


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